And the August Teachers of the Month are …

In July, TeachersConnect (TC) started recognizing the top six “Terrifically Trendy Teachers” (those who submitted the most engaging posts of the month) with a modest “recognition” gift card. We provide this recognition for the positive impact these posts have on the entire TC community. Engaging posts like these are the lifeblood of TeachersConnect and are critical to the health and success of the community. The gift card is a symbol of our appreciation of your contributions. You’re making a direct and enduring impact on the skill, confidence, and joy of TC teachers throughout the world.

We are awarding the recognition gift card to the top 6 trending posts as follows:

– $50 each to the top 2 teachers
– $25 each to the next 4 teachers

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this experiment, send a note with your feedback and ideas.

Here they are, your Teachers of the Month for July! Click on the links below to join the discussions and follow these leaders.

Top Terrifically Trendy Teachers!

These teachers’ questions and posts got the most views in August.

  1. Maritza Lara 4th Grade, Florida
  2. Jacqueline Rivera 3rd Grade, New Jersey
  3. Jennifer Bond 2nd Grade, Missouri
  4. Kate Steimle 3rd Grade, California
  5. Tess Canning Student-Teacher, Maryland 
  6. Wandiza Williams 5th Grade ELA/Social Studies 

Top Powerfully Prolific Posters

These teachers contributed the most combined posts and questions in August.

  1. Megan Forbes, Middle School History and English, California 
  2. Laura Reid, 6th Grade, 7th Grade Math, Maryland 
  3. Kathryn Starke, Urban Literacy Consultant & Author (former inner-city elementary school teacher) 
  4. Volkan Iner, 5 – 7th Grade English, ESL, Turkey 

Top Ridiculously Resourceful Responders

These teachers posted the most combined Answers and Comments in August.

  1. Jennifer Bond 2nd Grade, Missouri 
  2. Ta’stacia Covington Pre-K, North Carolina 
  3. Anna J. Small Roseboro MS, HS and College English, Speech and Debate, Michigan
  4. Tracy Williams Primary school teacher, year 3 & 4, Australia 
  5. Katrina Kay Velasco 5 – 8th Grade Special Education, California 
  6. Angela Single 9th and 10th Grade English, Virginia 

While every teacher on TeachersConnect makes an ongoing contribution to the success of the Community, we want to recognize these Superstars who go above and beyond to make TeachersConnect a safe, informative, and joyful place for teachers. These people have made TeachersConnect their own. We’ve watched with great admiration as these teachers from around the world have graciously inspired and supercharged one-another. They’ve helped others through difficult times, stepped up with timely resources, energized each other when they were down, and shared fun and entertaining ideas. Follow them on TeachersConnect!

We are grateful to each of you! “Thank You” from the community for the August Teachers of the Month!

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